Connect Wallet

You will need a web3 wallet to connect to

After verifying your email address, you will connect to our platform with a web3 wallet.

Found tip: Create a new wallet to manage your bankruptcy claim(s). Do not use this wallet for anything else.

Step 1: Press the connect button

Your account on Found will be associated with the wallet address in the same way you would login with a username or password. Take care to make sure you are connecting with the same address at which you would like to receive payments/loans.

Step 2: Connect your wallet

Sellect the account you want to use, and press "next" within the application, and then "connect".

Your account on Found will be associated with the wallet address in the same way you would login with a username or password.

Take care to make sure you are connecting with the same address at which you would like to receive payments and loans.

Step 3: Sign in with your wallet

Step 4: Complete the information fields to start Plaid verification

Once you've certified that the information submitted is correct, a submit button will appear at the bottom of the page.

Step 5: Submit to continue to Plaid verification

Plaid Verification

Last updated