Create a Smart Claim

This page will help you get started creating a Smart Claim. We'll take you through the process step-by-step explaining how our platform works.

Step 1: Create an Account

How to create an account -->click here

Step 2: Connect a Wallet

How to connect a wallet --> click here

How to create a wallet --> click here

Step 3: Create a Smart Claim

Click on the "Create a Smart Claim" button on the homepage or "Create Claim" under the "Connected" drop-down menu in the upper-right.

Step 4: Answer the Questions

Click on each question to expand and answer them.

Be sure to click "submit" after you are done before moving on to the next question.

If you are unsure how to answer any of the questions, please email us at for assistance.

Here are some question-specific tips:

Question 1: Be sure to select the correct debtor name and case number from the dropdown menu after you click the lead bankruptcy case.

Question 2: This information is used to match the claim account information with the original creditor. If your money is trapped on the exchange, you can answer "no." If you acquired your claim from someone else and are not the original creditor, you need to answer "yes" and provide their entire legal name so it matches the claim registry with the bankruptcy court.

Question 3: It is generally best to file a Proof of Claim (POC) with the bankruptcy court, even if you received an email from the debtor acknowledging that you have a valid claim. If you have filed a POC, please enter the docket number and date of filing. If you have not, select "no" and file one, at your earliest convenience. You can update your Smart Claim information at a later time.

Question 4: Enter your the last 4 digits of your exchange account or the user ID provided by the court agent (Kroll, Stretto, or other). If you do not know your number or are not the original account holder, please contact us for assistance.

Question 5: Please enter the total contents of the account on the date that the exchange filed bankruptcy. If a currency or coin is not provided in the drop-down menu, please contact us requesting that we add it to the database.

Question 6: Make sure the estimated value is accurate. If it is not, please tell us what you think it is and an explanation supporting your position. We will review and let you know our finding.

Question 7: Please enter any transfers made during the preference period. Failure to provide this information violates our Terms of Service.

Step 5: Provide Contact Information

This information is used to generate the legal documents that support the Smart Claim transaction. You must provide your full legal name and contact information. This information is not shared with counterparties unless they purchase your claim.

Step 6: Upload Supporting Documents

Upload pdfs of official court correspondence, email verifying your account and contents, screenshots of the account prior to the bankruptcy filing, proof of loss statements, and bank records evidencing any withdrawals during the preference window.

Redact all sensitive information for the documents prior to uploading them.

Supporting documents are what counterparties require to conduct proper due diligence prior to buying or lending. The better your supporting documents are, the more value your Smart Claim will have.

Step 7: Submit for Internal Review

We will contact you if your file is incomplete or needs additional information before it is approved.

Step 8: Mint your Smart Claim

We will provide real-time support. Your minted Smart Claim will appear in your wallet. You are now one of the first to tokenize a bankruptcy claim.

Step 9: Access Liquidity

You are ready to enjoy all of the benefits blockchain has to offer.

Join our Smart Claim server to get insider tips and connect with exclusive claim holders.

Still have questions? --> click here

Last updated